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House Astrology

What some experts won't tell you, as with everything thing in life...

According to REAL Feng Shui...

where there is Yin,
there is also Yang

Look up to the sky...

where there is the Sun,
there is also the Moon

YOUR house has both...

  • GOOD Energies
  • BAD Energies

...that's in my house too!

...and each Star has unique Heaven Energy

     When GOOD House Stars are present...
                                          Days are easy, GOOD things happen

    When BAD House Stars are present...
                                          There are obstacles and challenges

YOU only want GOOD things,
and you want them NOW, right?

GOOD House Astrology
is like walking on a smoothly-paved path with gentle curves.
Life flows freely with lots of opportunities and rewards.
Of course, there will still be challenges, but "finding you way" is much easier.


BAD House Astrology

is like walking on a dark, rocky road with convoluted turns.
Life requires more effort and careful navigation to not twist an ankle.
More challenges and obstacles, fewer opportunities, and lesser rewards.

House Astrology
shows you where to move a few favorite accessories to:

Make GOOD Star Energies better...
                            for more and greater opportunities

Reduce BAD Star Energies...
                            to shrink (and possibly eliminate) challenges


Here's what 3 certified Feng Shui experts had to say....

Faith Ranoli
Home Inspector

radio host

To move energy in a supportive direction you need a strong antenna with all aspects in alignment.

Popular Western Feng Shui leaves many gaps as most practitioners only focus on de cluttering and moving a few items around.

The most important and powerful aspects of Feng Shui are found within the Personal Directions and Flying Stars elements. Most Western Feng Shui Practitioners do not even know what these powerful tools are.

As a professional Holistic Home Inspector working the Denver Market, I've just called 18 practitioners and 8 Feng Shui Guilds and could not find one person who knew anything about Flying Stars or Personal Directions.

I couldn't believe it!
I was so disappointed by their lack of knowledge!

It's because I've taken Jami Lin's Home Mastery Course that I know the value of Personal Directions and Flying Stars.

I know my client needs this service as she relocates her office and home, as Jami Lin says,

"Be smart from the start!"

My client wants her new home office to abundantly support her. Understanding REAL Feng Shui, to have an environment be abundantly supportive, it must be in alignment with a person's Best Directions and Flying Stars.

Oh and those practitioners and guilds I called, they all want to sign up for the valuable information Jami Lin is offering because now, they too realize the benefit of Personal Directions and Flying Stars.

I can't believe Jami is giving these life-changing secrets away with her House Astrology Offering!

Lesley Conant

Sacred Spaces

FengShui Consultations

I just can’t say enough about the House astrology Course that Jami Lin is offering.

As a graduate of her Feng Shui Certification Course, I know how valuable these lessons are.

Not only is she giving them away,
they will improve your overall life
by leaps and bounds!!!

Each lesson is easy to follow and require just a few easy steps to do.

Again, so much information and she’s giving away!

And Jami is one of the nicest people you could ever get to know, she helped me and now I’m a certified Feng Shui Consultant with my own business!!! Thanks Jami

Denise Q.

As a graduate of Jami's Feng Shui Certification,

I love her House Astrology.

She breaks everything down into easy to understand lessons.

Her Daily, Monthly, Yearly and Personal Success Maps (which are REAL Feng Shui, Bagua Maps) help to pull the information together in an easy to use format so you can take full advantage of your house energies.

What a great gift from Jami Lin!

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